Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Farm walk

We arrive late because the forecast was for rain. The day starts with a farm walk. This is to kind of get an over view of what is happening on the farm, which at this time is about everything. With a slight breeze coming up from the south and a steady drizzle, we begin our walk-about on the twenty acres. The lower temperatures do not seem to have dampened the spirits of the red winged black birds as they continue to call and display on the NW end of the farm. A few plants are showing signs of having not appreciated the frost a few nights ago. That the potatoes did not like the frost was a surprise to me but there are several lower leaves that look fine. The young tulip trees, paw paws and hardy kiwi did not do so well, either. It was a late frost for this area. All of the bib and romaine lettuce looked great and nestled next to one of the heads was a kill deer nest! Four seems to be the magic number for the kill deer, so far out of the 5 nests that we have found, all have had four eggs. There was not a kill deer pretending to be wounded near by. Maybe due to the large number of people, 10, it did not think that tactic would be effective. Tomorrow, i will go up a lone to see if the nest is being incubated. The eggs are such beautiful colors and the hatchlings look like little pompoms on very thin twigs.

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